Resident Eligibility
Income Criteria
Income Minimums
1 Bedroom — None
2 Bedroom — $1,489
3 Bedroom — $1,721
4 Bedroom — $1,920 -
Income Maximums
1 Occupant — $46,380
2 Occupants — $52,980
3 Occupants — $59,580
4 Occupants — $66,180
5 Occupants — $71,520
6 Occupants — $76,800
7 Occupants — $82,080
8 Occupants — $87,360
Equal Housing Opportunity Provider – Beacon Property Services will not discriminate against any person or persons on any basis, including but not limited to Color, Race, Creed, National Origin, Familial Status, Disability, Religion, Age, Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity.
Fair Housing - The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing and housing related transactions based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, and familial status. This is further updated to include marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, source of income, place of resident, credit information and status as victim of an intrafamily offense in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - The owner/agent complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance from HUD.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - The owner/agent complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which prohibits discrimination, based on the presence of a disability in all programs or activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance.
Although Section 504 protections often overlap with the disability discrimination prohibitions included in the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 differs in that it imposes broader affirmative obligations to make their programs, as a whole, accessible to persons with disabilities.
Coordinating Efforts to Comply with Section 504 Requirement - The owner/agent has designated a person to address questions or requests regarding the specific needs of residents and applicants with disabilities. This person is referred to as the Section 504 Coordinator.
Requests for Reasonable Accommodation or Modification - In accordance with the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the owner/agent will make reasonable accommodations or modifications for individuals with disabilities (applicants or residents) unless these modifications would change the fundamental nature of the housing program or result in undue financial and administrative burden.
Requirements Outlined in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 - The owner/agent understands that, regardless of whether state or local laws protect victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking, people who have been victims of violence have certain protections provided through the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013).
If any applicant wishes to exercise the protections provided in the VAWA 2013, he/she should contact the owner/agent immediately.
The owner/agent will not assume that any act is a result of abuse covered under the VAWA 2013. In order to receive the protections outlined in the VAWA 2013, the applicant/applicant must specify that he/she wishes to exercise these protections. Please see Appendix C for details
Income Limits - Income limits vary by household size. The owner/agent will provide applicants a copy of the income limits for the property area upon request. In addition, applicants can review the income limits by accessing the following web site. http://www.huduser.org/datasets/il.html. HUD requires that property managers incorporate the most recently published income limits when determining eligibility (see above chart).
Income Eligibility – Minimum verifiable monthly income for a household must be equal to or greater than 2.5 times the monthly rent.
Income Eligibility – Maximum amount of income for a household may have must not exceed HUD established limits. Please see Appendix F for details.
Income Eligibility – Documentation & Recertification – All applicants or households must provide acceptable documentation to verify that all qualifying criteria are satisfied. This Certification must be completed in full prior to occupying the unit and at least every 12 months for the duration of residency. Failure or inability to provide acceptable documentation will result in denial and or termination of residency.
Occupancy Standards - Occupancy standards serve to prevent the over-utilization or under-utilization of units that can result in an inefficient use of housing funding. Occupancy standards also ensure that residents are treated fairly and consistently and receive adequate housing space.
Any household placed in a unit size different from that defined in these Occupancy Standards shall agree to transfer to an appropriate size unit when one becomes available at their own expense.
Occupancy - HUD provided further clarification which impacts occupancy and income. Foster children and adults will be considered part of the:
1) The household when determining unit size
2) Will not be considered part of the family for determining annual or adjusted income or net family assets
Assets of foster children and adults will also not be included for determining asset limitations
Leasing Preference – This property has a leasing preference established for the following target population(s):
(a) Individuals with developmental disabilities and/or intellectual disabilities; and
(b) Individuals deemed to have a serious mental illness
The leasing preference is administered in cooperation with the Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services. Qualifying households are required to present to the property a current Target Populations Verification Letter from the Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services which will include the name, verification date, along with rental assistance details with contact information for the Referring Agent/Rent Assistance Program Administrator.
Criminal and Credit History - Management will require consent of all *adult household members for verification of references and permission to seek credit and criminal background history.
Landlord References - Landlord references will be required for up to five (5) years, including the present landlord. Applicants who have been previous homeowners must be able to demonstrate that they have made mortgage payments in a timely manner. The aforementioned include Live-in Aides and Police officers/security personnel.
Application Process – What to Expect
· Fully complete the application provided, including the Authorization to Release Information and submit with application fee as applicable. Application fees are $25 per adult applicant unless married. Marriage Certificate required for all married couples.
· Credit & Criminal Determination – Allow 2 to 3 business days for results of credit and criminal screening (this process may be delayed depending on the response time of current or former landlords).
· Full Application Approval – Allow up to 14 business days for results of income eligibility (this process could be delayed depending on response time of third-party verifiers).
General Requirements – All households are required to be certified eligible under guidelines set forth by the IRS, Section 42 of the tax code and in concert or as outlined in HUD Handbook 4350.3 Rev-4 (as updated) and any other applicable federal guidelines.
Identification – Both of the following are required:
1) Valid state or federally issued photo ID 2) Social Security card or proof of eligible immigration status
2) Birth Certificates for all children
Disclosure of Social Security Numbers - All household members in affordable housing programs whether receiving assistance or not are required to provide a Social Security Number and adequate documentation necessary to verify that number. This rule applies to all household members including live-in aides, foster children and foster adults. Adequate documentation includes a Social Security card issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or other acceptable evidence of the SSN such as: (must disclose full SS number). See Appendix E for more details.
Legal Responsibility – All adults in the household must be legally able to enter a binding contract, meaning 18 years of age or older, married, or emancipated minors. All legal adults are responsible for the full terms of the lease separately and individually. Subsequently, all legal adult applicants are required to qualify individually and therefore must submit separate applications. Unfavorable information reported for any one legal adult applicant will result in application denial for the household.
Income Eligibility – Documentation & Recertification – All applicants or households must provide acceptable documentation to verify that all qualifying criteria are satisfied. This Certification must be completed in full prior to occupying the unit and at least every 12 months for the duration of residency. Failure or inability to provide acceptable documentation will result in denial and or termination of residency.
Income - Hud updated the definition of earned income which is essentially any income other than income received for employment. Hud expanded the definition to explain transfer payments which are not included in earned income. This means that payments made, or income received in which no good or services are paid. This includes welfare, SS and certain government subsidies. Hud went on to narrow the definition of “non-recurring income” which does not include independent contractors or seasonal workers. This is income that is to be counted.
Assets - Hud updated the definitions or more so to clarified that net family assets do not include the values of “non-necessary” items of personal property with a combined total of $50,000 or less, to be adjusted annually by an inflation factor. Applicants and residents will be allowed to self-certify assets in years 2 and 3 when total assets do not exceed $50,000. It is anticipated that tax credit properties will self-certify annually when assets do not exceed $50,000. Assets in excess of $50,000 will be verified. When assets meet or exceed $100,000 for current residents (does not apply to new move ins):
— The assets will be counted and no further action will be taken as long as they remain in the same unit.
— Families exceeding $100,000 will not be subject to termination due to compliance when they remain in the same unit.
Inflationary Factors - Inflationary factors will be determined annually by HUD and if any changes occur, they will be implemented and become effective January 1st of the following year and be included with the residents next certification.
Inflationary adjustments will impact passbook rates for all affordable properties along with deduction amounts for HUD’s multi-family and public housing programs as it relates to deductions (i.e. elderly deduction, child deduction, student rates, etc.).
Safe Harbor Verifications - Safe Harbor verifications will be used in relation to the verification process as denoted in 24 CFR Part 5.689. Although not required, we will use the following list of means tested forms/verifications that PHA’s and owners may rely: the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and child, etc. If conflicting information is provided, then the most current document will be utilized.
Student Household Eligibility – All student households are not eligible for residency, unless the household can demonstrate that they meet one of the student status exemptions. Please see Appendix B for details.
Household Size – The maximum household size for any unit is determined with the following calculation:
(# of Bedrooms X 2) = Maximum Number of Occupants
Efficiency = 1 People | 1 Bdrm = 2 People | 2 Bdrm = 4 People | 3 Bdrm = 6 People
Credit & Criminal Screening – All legal adult applicants are required to meet all qualifying standards for credit and criminal history prior to occupancy as outlined in the Resident Credit & Criminal History Standards. Please see Appendix A for more details.
Security Deposits – Security Deposits are collected prior to or the day of move in. Information on security deposit requirements is available at the property, which will not exceed one months rent.
Security Deposits and Unit Transfers - When a resident transfers to a new unit with all other household members, the owner/agent will charge a new security deposit. The security deposit for the old unit less any outstanding amounts for rent, fees or damages will be refunded. The resident will receive a bill for any additional fees or damages not covered by the security deposit. This bill must be paid within 30 days.
Household Splits - If the household “splits” and one or more residents remain in the original unit, the original security deposit will remain with the original unit and a new security deposit will be collected for the new unit.
Taking Possession - The applicant must agree to take possession of a unit in no more than thirty (30) calendar days unless the owner/agent provides written exception to this policy.
Rent Insurance – Management strongly encourages residents to have renter insurance. Renters insurance is required.
Renters Education – Manage encourages residents to take advantage of the renter’s education program available through Virginia Housing.
Grievance Policy - This property does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities whether this pertains to an Applicant, Resident, or Employee. Please see Appendix D for more details.